Thursday, July 22, 2010

Women, what do you think of men with adult acne?

I have adult acne on my forehead, along my jaw line, pretty much lining the whole out side of my face and my upper lip. I wash my face and use meds and cremes and pills but its a problem with my liver so it won't go away. I also have a lot of scars. How would this affect my chances with you? I'm trying super hard to get rid of it or at least cover it up but I can't. Help or advice?Women, what do you think of men with adult acne?
Well you can have acne and still look perfectly attractive and beautiful. Theres the acne that you can tell the person is clean and takes good care of themselves and theres the kind where the person is just plain dirty. Ive had acne since my teen years and nothing has ever worked. I still try what i can (im on zoderm now prescribed by my derm. and it helps a little) but uve learned to consider myself beautfil with or without it. As long as you still keep clean and you dont look oily or dried out then you can still appear to be flawless. Confidence is a huge key as wellWomen, what do you think of men with adult acne?
try acutane or whatever its called. it usually works, it just hurts a lot for a few days but its worth it.

keep in mind looks aren't everything, personality is important in a man.
Keep taking good care of yourself and when you least expect it you'll meet the right woman. Any woman worth getting to know won't give a rat's a$$ whether you have blemishes or not.
If its caused by health may want to consult doc on further advice. I believe there are solutions to it. As for me, if i really love my bf/husband, i dont mind how he looks like.
it doesn't matter how you look, it's inside that counts.

but keep on trying to get rid of it, because looks are what attracts a person at first.

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